title: "Exemptions in Cook County - Tax Year 2023"
code-fold: true
toc: true
toc-location: left
tbl-cap-location: margin
fig-cap-location: margin
df-print: paged
```{r setup}
#| output: false
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)
options(scipen = 999)
muni_shp <- read_sf("https://gis.cookcountyil.gov/traditional/rest/services/politicalBoundary/MapServer/2/query?outFields=*&where=1%3D1&f=geojson")
nicknames <- readxl::read_excel("../Necessary_Files/muni_shortnames.xlsx")
## Cook County's Use of Homestead Exemptions
### Figure 1 or 2?. Exemption Use
muni_sums <- read_csv ("../Output/ptaxsim_muni_level_2006to2023.csv" ) |>
left_join (nicknames)
muni_mc_sums <- read_csv ("../Output/ptaxsim_muni_MC_2006to2023.csv" ) |>
rename_all (~ str_replace (., "muni_mc_" , "" ))
muni_cl_sums <- read_csv ("../Output/ptaxsim_muni_class_summaries_2006to2023.csv" ) |>
left_join (nicknames)
year_examples <- c (2023 )
for (i in year_examples){
tbl <- muni_cl_sums %>%
filter (year == i) %>%
group_by (year) %>%
summarize (AV = sum (muni_c_av),
EAV = sum (muni_c_eav),
Eq_AV = sum (muni_c_equalized_av),
'Taxed EAV' = sum (muni_c_current_taxable_eav),
'All Exemptions' = sum (muni_c_all_exemptions),
'GHE' = sum (muni_c_exe_homeowner),
'Senior Exemp.' = sum (muni_c_exe_senior),
'Freeze Exemp.' = sum (muni_c_exe_freeze),
'PINs in Muni' = sum (muni_c_pins_in_muni),
'PINs with Exemptions' = sum (muni_c_has_HO_exemp)) %>%
pivot_longer (cols = c (AV: 'PINs with Exemptions' ),
names_to = "Totals" , values_to = "Values" )
print (tbl)
### Figure 3. Percent Exempt
Total value of exemptions as a share of residential EAV, 2023
year_examples <- c (2023 )
for (i in year_examples){
median_exempt <- muni_sums %>%
filter (year== i)%>%
mutate (pct_fmv_exempt = muni_fmv_exempt / muni_fmv
) %>%
select (pct_fmv_exempt)
midpoint = scales:: percent (median (median_exempt$ pct_fmv_exempt), accuracy = 0.01 )
print (muni_sums %>%
filter (year== i)%>%
mutate (pct_fmv_exempt = muni_fmv_exempt / muni_fmv ) %>%
mutate (agency_name = ifelse (agency_name == "TOWN CICERO" , "CITY OF CICERO" , agency_name) ) %>%
full_join (muni_shp, by = c ("agency_name" = "AGENCY_DESC" )) %>%
ggplot (aes (fill = pct_fmv_exempt)) +
geom_sf (aes (geometry = geometry), color = "black" ) +
theme_void ()+
labs (title = paste0 (i),
subtitle = "Exempt FMV / Municipality FMV" ,
caption = sprintf ("The municipality median is %s" , midpoint)) +
theme_void () +
theme (axis.ticks = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_blank ())+
scale_fill_steps2 (high = "darkblue" , low = "black" , mid = "beige" ,
n.breaks = 7 , show.limits= TRUE ,
na.value = NA ,
nice.breaks = FALSE ,
midpoint = median (median_exempt$ pct_fmv_exempt),
name = "% FMV \n that is exempt" , label = scales:: percent))
year_examples <- c (2023 )
for (i in year_examples){
median_exempt <- muni_sums %>%
filter (year== i)%>%
mutate (pct_fmv_exempt = muni_fmv_exempt / muni_fmv
) %>%
select (pct_fmv_exempt)
midpoint = scales:: percent (median (median_exempt$ pct_fmv_exempt), accuracy = 0.01 )
print (muni_sums %>%
filter (year== i)%>%
mutate (pct_fmv_exempt = muni_fmv_exempt / muni_fmv ) %>%
mutate (agency_name = ifelse (agency_name == "TOWN CICERO" , "CITY OF CICERO" , agency_name) ) %>%
full_join (muni_shp, by = c ("agency_name" = "AGENCY_DESC" )) %>%
ggplot (aes (fill = pct_fmv_exempt)) +
geom_sf (aes (geometry = geometry), color = "black" ) +
theme_void ()+
labs (title = paste0 (i),
subtitle = "Exempt FMV / Municipality FMV" ,
caption = sprintf ("The municipality median is %s" , midpoint)) +
theme_void () +
theme (axis.ticks = element_blank (),
axis.text = element_blank ())+
scale_fill_steps (high = "darkblue" , low = "pink" ,
n.breaks = 5 , show.limits= TRUE ,
limits = c (0 , 0.35 ),
na.value = "gray50" ,
nice.breaks = FALSE ,
name = "% FMV \n that is exempt" , label = scales:: percent))
### Figure 4. Exempt Tax Base in Cook County
#| label: tbl-exemptiontotals_for2023
#| tbl-cap: "Total Exempt EAV in 2023 in the City of Chicago and the Suburbs"
#| caption: "Note: Our current calculations undervalue the disabled veterans exemption."
muni_cl_sums %>%
filter (year == 2023 ) %>%
select (clean_name, muni_c_exe_homeowner: muni_c_exe_vet_dis) %>%
mutate (clean_name = ifelse (is.na (clean_name), "Unincorporated" , clean_name),
Geography = ifelse (clean_name == "Chicago" , "City" , "Suburbs" ),
Geography = ifelse (is.na (clean_name), "Unincorporated" , Geography),
Geography = factor (Geography, levels = c ("Suburbs" , "City" , "Unincorporated" ))) %>%
group_by (Geography) %>%
summarize ("GHE" = sum (muni_c_exe_homeowner, na.rm= TRUE ),
"Senior Homestead" = sum (muni_c_exe_senior, na.rm= TRUE ),
"Senior Freeze" = sum (muni_c_exe_freeze, na.rm= TRUE ),
"Other Exemptions" = sum (muni_c_exe_longtime_homeowner+ muni_c_exe_disabled+ muni_c_exe_vet_returning+ muni_c_exe_vet_dis_lt50 + muni_c_exe_vet_dis_50_69+ muni_c_exe_vet_dis_ge70)) %>%
pivot_longer (cols = c (` GHE ` : ` Other Exemptions ` ), names_to = "Type" ) %>%
mutate (Type = factor (Type, levels = c ("GHE" , "Senior Homestead" , "Senior Freeze" , "Other Exemptions"
#"Senior Freeze", "Senior Homestead", "GHE"
)) %>%
ggplot (aes (x= Type, y = value/ 1000000000 , fill = Geography
)) +
geom_col (
position = "dodge"
) +
theme_minimal () +
labs (title = "Exempt EAV in Cook County, Tax Year 2023" ,
subtitle = "by Type and Geography" ,
y = "EAV (Billions)" , x = "Exemption Type" ) +
scale_y_continuous () +
scale_fill_manual (values = c ("blue3" , "deepskyblue3" , "gray" ), )
*Exempt Tax Base in Cook County by exemption type and geography, for tax year 2021*
### Figure 5. Value of residential exemptions by type in Cook County, 2006 - 2023
muni_cl_sums %>%
select (year, muni_c_exe_homeowner: muni_c_exe_vet_dis) %>%
group_by (year) %>%
summarize ("GHE" = sum (muni_c_exe_homeowner, na.rm= TRUE ),
"Senior Homestead" = sum (muni_c_exe_senior, na.rm= TRUE ),
"Senior Freeze" = sum (muni_c_exe_freeze, na.rm= TRUE ),
"Other Exemptions" = sum (muni_c_exe_longtime_homeowner + muni_c_exe_disabled + muni_c_exe_vet_returning+ muni_c_exe_vet_dis_lt50 + muni_c_exe_vet_dis_50_69+ muni_c_exe_vet_dis_ge70, na.rm = T)) %>%
pivot_longer (cols = c (` GHE ` : ` Other Exemptions ` ), names_to = "Type" ) %>%
mutate (Type = factor (Type, levels = c (#"GHE", "Senior Homestead", "Senior Freeze",
"Other Exemptions" , "Senior Freeze" , "Senior Homestead" , "GHE" ))) %>%
ggplot (aes (x= year, y = value/ 1000000000 , fill = Type)) +
geom_bar ( stat = "identity" ) +
theme_minimal () +
labs (title = "Residential Exempt EAV in Cook County" ,
subtitle = "by Type and Geography, 2006-2023" ,
y = "EAV (Billions)" , x = "" ) +
scale_fill_manual (values = c ("chartreuse2" , "darksalmon" , "brown2" , "blue4" )) +
scale_x_continuous (breaks = c (2006 , 2010 , 2015 , 2020 , 2023 ))
## Effect on Composite Tax Rates
<!--- Do not use the eq_av variable from the joined pins csv. Delete or correct ASAP. --->
#| label: recode-ptaxpins
cross_county_lines <- c ("030440000" , "030585000" , "030890000" , "030320000" , "031280000" ,
"030080000" , "030560000" , "031120000" , "030280000" , "030340000" ,
"030150000" ,"030050000" , "030180000" ,"030500000" , "031210000" )
eq_factor <- 3.02
incentive_majorclasses <- c ("6" , "7A" , "7B" , "8A" , "8B" )
commercial_classes <- c (401 : 435 , 490 , 491 , 492 , 496 : 499 ,
500 : 535 ,590 , 591 , 592 , 597 : 599 ,
700 : 799 ,
800 : 835 , 891 , 892 , 897 , 899 )
industrial_classes <- c (480 : 489 ,493 ,
550 : 589 , 593 ,
600 : 699 ,
850 : 890 , 893
ptax_pins <- read_csv ("../Output/Dont_Upload/0_Joined_PIN_data_2023.csv" ) %>% select (- c (eq_av, propclass_1dig))
ptax_pins <- ptax_pins %>%
mutate (class_1dig = str_sub (class, 1 ,1 ),
class_group = case_when (
(class_1dig == 5 & class %in% commercial_classes) ~ "5A" ,
(class_1dig == 5 & class %in% industrial_classes) ~ "5B" ,
class_1dig == 7 & class < 742 ~ "7A" ,
class_1dig == 7 & class >= 742 ~ "7B" ,
(class_1dig == 8 & class %in% commercial_classes ) ~ "8A" ,
(class_1dig == 8 & class %in% industrial_classes ) ~ "8B" ,
TRUE ~ as.character (class_1dig))) %>%
mutate (
# taxing district revenue = taxable eav * tax rate so rearrange the formula:
taxed_eav = final_tax_to_dist / tax_code_rate* 100 ,
total_value_eav = (final_tax_to_dist + final_tax_to_tif)/ tax_code_rate * 100 + all_exemptions + abatements,
exempt_eav_inTIF = ifelse (in_tif == 1 , all_exemptions, 0 ),
exempt_eav = all_exemptions + abatements,
taxed_av = taxed_eav / eq_factor, # current value that taxing agencies can tax for their levies
## taxable AV = equalized assessed value net TIF increments, gross exemptions.
## Used for calculating untaxable value further below
# taxable_av = (final_tax_to_dist / tax_code_rate *100 + all_exemptions + abatements)/ eq_factor,
# taxable_eav_fromincents = ifelse(class >=600 & class < 900, taxable_av * eq_factor, 0),
## untaxable value = exempt EAV from abatements and exemptions + TIF increment
untaxable_value_eav = all_exemptions + abatements +
## TIF increment EAV above frozen EAV, which becomes TIF revenue
(final_tax_to_tif / tax_code_rate* 100 ) +
## difference between 25% and reduced level of assessment for incentive class properties. Excludes TIF increment when calculating the difference!
ifelse (between (class, 600 , 899 ),
(taxed_av/ loa* 0.25 - taxed_av)* eq_factor, 0 ),
untaxable_incent_eav = ifelse (between (class, 600 , 899 ),
(taxed_av/ loa* 0.25 - taxed_av)* eq_factor, 0 ),
# manually adjust untaxable value of class 239 properties
untaxable_value_eav = ifelse (class == 239 ,
equalized_av- taxed_eav, untaxable_value_eav),
untaxable_value_av = untaxable_value_eav / eq_factor,
untaxable_value_fmv = untaxable_value_av / loa,
exempt_fmv = exempt_eav / eq_factor / loa,
fmv_inTIF = ifelse (in_tif== 1 , av/ loa, 0 ),
fmv_tif_increment = ifelse (final_tax_to_tif > 0 ,
((final_tax_to_tif / (tax_code_rate/ 100 )) / eq_factor ) / loa, 0 ),
fmv_incents_inTIF = ifelse (between (class, 600 , 899 ) & in_tif == 1 ,
fmv, 0 ),
fmv_incents_tif_increment = ifelse (between (class, 600 , 899 ) & final_tax_to_tif > 0 ,
((final_tax_to_tif / (tax_code_rate/ 100 )) / eq_factor ) / loa, 0 ),
naive_rev_forgone = untaxable_incent_eav * tax_code_rate/ 100 ) %>%
select (tax_code, class, pin, fmv,
untaxable_value_fmv, fmv_inTIF, fmv_tif_increment, fmv, total_billed, final_tax_to_dist, final_tax_to_tif, tax_code_rate, eav, equalized_av, av, everything ())
#| label: create-muni_ratechange-csv
#| eval: false
muni_ratechange <- ptax_pins %>%
mutate (class = as.numeric (class)) %>% # Allows for joining later
select (- c (propclass_1dig: av.y)) %>%
filter (! clean_name %in% c ("Frankfort" , "Homer Glen" , "Oak Brook" , "East Dundee" , "University Park" , "Bensenville" , "Hinsdale" , "Roselle" , "Deer Park" , "Deerfield" )) %>%
# filter(!agency_num %in% cross_county_lines) %>%
group_by (clean_name) %>%
summarize (
classgroup_PC = n (),
# projects = n_distinct(both_ids), # mostly for industrial and commercial properties
pins_withincents = sum (ifelse (class >= 600 & class < 900 , 1 ,0 )),
fmv_incentive = sum (ifelse (class >= 600 & class < 900 , fmv, 0 ), na.rm = TRUE ),
#fmv_taxed = sum(taxed_fmv, na.rm=TRUE),
fmv_incents_inTIFs = sum (ifelse (class >= 600 & class < 900 & final_tax_to_tif > 0 , fmv, 0 ), na.rm = TRUE ),
fmv_inTIF = sum (ifelse (final_tax_to_tif > 0 , fmv, 0 ), na.rm= TRUE ),
fmv_tif_increment = sum (fmv_tif_increment, na.rm= TRUE ),
fmv_untaxable_value = sum (untaxable_value_fmv , na.rm= TRUE ),
fmv_exemptions = sum (all_exemptions/ eq_factor/ loa, na.rm= TRUE ),
fmv_abatements = sum (exe_abate/ eq_factor/ loa, na.rm= TRUE ),
zero_bill = sum (zero_bill, na.rm= TRUE ),
fmv_residential = sum (ifelse (class %in% c (200 : 399 ), fmv, 0 ), na.rm = TRUE ),
fmv_C2 = sum (ifelse (class %in% c (200 : 299 ), fmv, 0 ), na.rm = TRUE ),
fmv_industrial = sum (ifelse (class %in% industrial_classes, fmv, 0 ), na.rm = TRUE ),
fmv_commercial = sum (ifelse (class %in% commercial_classes, fmv, 0 ), na.rm = TRUE ),
current_rate_avg = mean (tax_code_rate),
avg_C2_bill_noexe = mean (ifelse (between (class,200 ,299 ) & all_exemptions == 0 , (final_tax_to_dist + final_tax_to_tif), NA ), na.rm= TRUE ),
avg_C2_bill_withexe = mean (ifelse (between (class,200 ,299 ) & all_exemptions > 0 , (final_tax_to_dist + final_tax_to_tif), NA ), na.rm= TRUE ),
av_taxed = sum (taxed_av, na.rm = TRUE ),
untaxable_value_av = sum (untaxable_value_av, na.rm= TRUE ),
av = sum (av),
eav_taxed = sum (taxed_av* eq_factor),
eav_untaxable = sum (untaxable_value_eav, na.rm= TRUE ),
eav_tif_increment = sum (final_tax_to_tif/ tax_code_rate, na.rm= TRUE ),
eav_max = sum (fmv* loa* eq_factor, na.rm= TRUE ),
fmv = sum (fmv, na.rm= TRUE ),
pins_in_class = n (),
all_exemptions = sum (all_exemptions), # in EAV
abatements = sum (exe_abate), # in EAV
eav_incents_inTIFs = sum (ifelse (class >= 600 & class <= 900 & in_tif == 1 , eav, 0 ), na.rm = TRUE ),
final_tax_to_dist = sum (final_tax_to_dist),
final_tax_to_tif = sum (final_tax_to_tif),
eav = sum (eav),
new_TEAV_noIncents = sum (ifelse (class >= 600 & class < 900 ,
(taxed_av* eq_factor/ loa)* 0.25 , taxed_av* eq_factor), na.rm= TRUE ),
####### Not used currently
# new_TEAV_noC6 = sum(ifelse( class >=600 & class <700,
# (taxed_av*eq_factor/loa)*0.25 , taxed_av*eq_factor)),
# new_TEAV_noC7 = sum(ifelse(class >=700 & class <800,
# (taxed_av*eq_factor/loa)*0.25, taxed_av*eq_factor)),
# new_TEAV_noC8 = sum(ifelse(class >=800 & class <900, (taxed_av*eq_factor/loa)*0.25, taxed_av*eq_factor)),
new_TEAV_vacant_noIncents = sum (ifelse (class >= 600 & class < 900 ,
0 , taxed_av* eq_factor))
) %>%
mutate (
new_TEAV_noExemps = eav_taxed + all_exemptions, # does not include abatements
new_TEAV_noAbates = eav_taxed + abatements, # include only abatements, not other exemption types
# amount of EAV from taxing an additional 15% of the AV if incentive properties didn't exist
forgone_EAV_incent = #class_group %in% incentive_majorclasses,
#incent_prop == "Incentive",
new_TEAV_noIncents - eav_taxed) %>%
#cbind(table_cook) %>%
mutate (
# Absolute maximum TEAV: No Exemptions, no abatements, no TIFS, no Incentive properties
# Commercial and industrial assessed at 25%
TEAV_max = eav_taxed + all_exemptions + abatements + eav_tif_increment + forgone_EAV_incent,
# no exemptions or incentive classifications:
TEAV_neither = eav_taxed + all_exemptions + forgone_EAV_incent,
rate_noExe = final_tax_to_dist / new_TEAV_noExemps * 100 ,
rate_noAbate = final_tax_to_dist / new_TEAV_noAbates * 100 ,
rate_noInc = final_tax_to_dist / new_TEAV_noIncents * 100 ,
rate_neither = final_tax_to_dist / TEAV_neither * 100 ,
rate_noTIFs = final_tax_to_dist / (eav_taxed + eav_tif_increment) * 100 ,
rate_vacant = final_tax_to_dist / new_TEAV_vacant_noIncents* 100 ,
rate_lowest = final_tax_to_dist / TEAV_max * 100 ,
# rate_noC6 = levy / new_TEAV_noC6 * 100,
# rate_noC7 = levy / TEAV_noC7 * 100,
# rate_noC8 = levy / TEAV_noC8 * 100,
rate_current = final_tax_to_dist / eav_taxed * 100 ,
change_noInc = rate_current - rate_noInc,
change_neither = rate_current - rate_neither,
change_noTIF = rate_current - rate_noTIFs,
change_noExe = rate_current - rate_noExe,
change_vacant = rate_current - rate_vacant,
change_lowest = rate_current - rate_lowest
) %>%
mutate (across (contains ("rate_" ), round, digits = 2 )) %>%
mutate (across (contains ("change_" ), round, digits = 2 ))
write_csv (muni_ratechange, "../Output/muni_ratechange_2023.csv" )
```{r readin-muniratechange}
muni_ratechange <- read_csv("../Output/muni_ratechange_2023.csv")
muni_ratechange %>%
select(clean_name, starts_with("change_")) %>%
DT::datatable(rownames = FALSE)
### Figure 6. Composite property tax rates with and without homestead exemptions, tax year 2021
_Figure 6 will not be recreated but is just a bar chart of the change in tax rate in the table below_
### Table 1. Change in composite property tax rates due to exemptions, tax year 2023.
#| label: tbl-table1-datatable
#| tbl-cap: "Searchable table containing all municipalities and the hypothetical tax rate change if exempt EAV became taxable."
muni_ratechange %>%
select (clean_name, current_rate_avg, rate_noExe, change_noExe, final_tax_to_dist
) %>%
DT:: datatable (rownames = FALSE , colnames = c ('Municipality' = 'clean_name' ,'Current Comp. Rate' = 'current_rate_avg' , 'Hypothetical Rate' = 'rate_noExe' , 'Composite Tax Rate Change' = 'change_noExe' ,
'Composite Levy' = 'final_tax_to_dist' ),
caption = "Table 1: Current and Hypothetical Composite Tax Rates if GHE $0" ) %>%
formatCurrency ('Composite Levy' , digits = 0 )
#| label: tbl-Table1-sliced
#| tbl-cap: "Includes all exemption types in calculation of rate change."
muni_ratechange %>%
select (clean_name, current_rate_avg, rate_noExe, change_noExe
) %>%
arrange (desc (change_noExe)) %>%
slice (c (1 : 5 , 69 : 73 , 121 : 125 )) %>%
#slice(c(1:5, 58:62, 115:119)) %>%
flextable () %>%
border_remove () %>%
hline_top () %>%
hline (i = c (5 ,10 )) %>%
set_header_labels (
clean_name = "Municipality" ,
current_rate_avg = "With Exemptions" ,
rate_noExe = "Without Exemptions" ,
change_noExe = "Percent Point Difference"
) %>%
align (j = 2 , align = "right" ) %>%
align (j= 2 , align = "right" , part = "header" ) %>%
set_table_properties ( layout = "autofit" ) %>% bold (i = 8 )
### Figure 7. Map of Spatial Patterns in Composite Tax Rate Change
Change in composite tax rate if exempt EAV was added back to the the taxable tax base (i.e. if there were no exemptions).
muni_ratechange %>%
left_join (nicknames, by = "clean_name" ) %>%
#mutate(burden_current = ifelse(burden_current>1, 1, burden_current)) %>%
# filter(major_class_code == 2) %>%
mutate (agency_name = ifelse (agency_name == "TOWN CICERO" , "CITY OF CICERO" , agency_name),
shpfile_name = ifelse (agency_name == "TOWN CICERO" , "CITY OF CICERO" , agency_name) ) %>%
full_join (muni_shp, by = c ("agency_name" = "AGENCY_DESC" )) %>%
ggplot (aes (fill = change_noExe)) +
geom_sf (aes (geometry = geometry), color = "black" ) +
theme_void () +
theme (axis.ticks = element_blank (), axis.text = element_blank ())+
scale_fill_stepsn (colors = c ( "#F7FEF5" ,
# "#e4f1e0",
"#d4f6cc" ,
"#47ba24" ,
"#1F6805" ,
"#133C04" ),
show.limits= TRUE ,
limits = c (0 , 15 ),
breaks = c (0 , 2.5 , 5 , 7.5 , 10 , 15 ),
na.value = NA ,
name = "Rate Change from \n Exemptions"
## Effect on Tax Burdens
### Figure 8. Dolton example of Share of levy paid by property type
*CMAP used a donut chart, we will use a bar chart that represents 100% on the x a axis.*
```{r tbl-figure8}
taxcodes_current <- ptax_pins %>%
group_by(tax_code) %>%
av = sum(av),
eav = sum(eav),
equalized_AV = sum(equalized_av),
pins_in_class = n(),
current_exemptions = sum(all_exemptions),
HO_exemps = sum(exe_homeowner),
tax_code_rate = first(tax_code_rate),
final_tax_to_dist = sum(final_tax_to_dist, na.rm = TRUE), # used as LEVY amount!!
final_tax_to_tif = sum(final_tax_to_tif, na.rm = TRUE),
tax_amt_exe = sum(tax_amt_exe, na.rm = TRUE),
tax_amt_pre_exe = sum(tax_amt_pre_exe, na.rm = TRUE),
tax_amt_post_exe = sum(tax_amt_post_exe, na.rm = TRUE),
rpm_tif_to_cps = sum(rpm_tif_to_cps, na.rm = TRUE), # not used
rpm_tif_to_rpm = sum(rpm_tif_to_rpm, na.rm=TRUE), # not used
rpm_tif_to_dist = sum(rpm_tif_to_dist, na.rm=TRUE), # not used
tif_share = mean(tif_share, na.rm=TRUE), # not used
) %>%
mutate(total_bill_current = final_tax_to_dist + final_tax_to_tif) %>%
mutate(cur_comp_TC_rate = tax_code_rate) %>%
mutate(current_taxable_eav = final_tax_to_dist/(cur_comp_TC_rate/100),
new_taxable_eav = final_tax_to_dist/(cur_comp_TC_rate/100) + HO_exemps) %>%
mutate(new_comp_TC_rate = (final_tax_to_dist / new_taxable_eav)*100) %>%
mutate(new_comp_TC_rate = ifelse(is.nan(new_comp_TC_rate), cur_comp_TC_rate, new_comp_TC_rate)) %>%
select(tax_code, cur_comp_TC_rate, new_comp_TC_rate, current_taxable_eav, new_taxable_eav, everything())
taxcode_taxrates <- taxcodes_current %>%
select(tax_code, cur_comp_TC_rate, new_comp_TC_rate, current_exemptions, HO_exemps)
mc_burden <- ptax_pins |>
left_join(taxcode_taxrates, by = "tax_code") |>
group_by(clean_name, class_1dig) |>
## calculate taxbase from each major class
## and the amount of taxes currently collected from each
summarize(group_taxbase= sum(taxed_eav),
group_taxes_current = sum(taxed_eav * (tax_code_rate/100)),
hyp_group_taxbase = sum(taxed_eav + all_exemptions, na.rm = T),
hyp_group_taxes = sum( (taxed_eav + all_exemptions) * (new_comp_TC_rate/100), na.rm = T)
) %>%
mutate(across(c(group_taxbase:hyp_group_taxes), round, 0)) %>%
group_by(clean_name) |>
muni_taxbase = sum(group_taxbase, na.rm=T),
muni_levy = sum(group_taxes_current, na.rm = T)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
pct_eav = group_taxbase / muni_taxbase,
pct_taxburden_current = group_taxes_current / muni_levy,
hyp_pct_taxburden = hyp_group_taxes / muni_levy) |>
burden_shift = (pct_taxburden_current - hyp_pct_taxburden)*100)
burden_c2 <- mc_burden %>%
filter(class_1dig == 2) %>%
select(clean_name, pct_eav, burden_shift, pct_taxburden_current, hyp_pct_taxburden) %>%
mc_burden %>%
filter(clean_name == "Dolton") %>%
select(class_1dig, pct_taxburden_current, hyp_pct_taxburden) %>%
### Figure 9. Change in Share of Tax Burden
### Table 2. Change in share of property tax burden
_Table 2: Change in the share of property tax burden due to exemptions for single-family, multi-family, and commercial and industrial properties, tax year 2023_
#| eval: FALSE
#| label: attemptfor-burdenshift
burden_shift <- ptax_pins %>%
mutate (Group = case_when (
class_1dig == 2 ~ "Single-family" ,
class_1dig %in% c (3 , 9 ) ~ "Multi-family" ,
TRUE ~ "Commercial & Industrial"
)) %>%
left_join (taxcode_taxrates, by = "tax_code" ) |>
group_by (clean_name, Group) |>
## calculate taxbase from each major class
## and the amount of taxes currently collected from each
summarize (group_taxbase= sum (taxed_eav, na.rm = T),
group_taxes_current = sum (taxed_eav * (tax_code_rate/ 100 ), na.rm = T),
hyp_group_taxbase = sum (taxed_eav + all_exemptions, na.rm = T),
hyp_group_taxes = sum ( (taxed_eav + all_exemptions) * (new_comp_TC_rate/ 100 ), na.rm = T)
) %>%
mutate (across (c (group_taxbase: hyp_group_taxes), round, 0 )) %>%
ungroup () |>
group_by (clean_name) |>
mutate (
muni_taxbase = sum (group_taxbase, na.rm= T),
muni_levy = sum (group_taxes_current, na.rm = T)
) %>%
ungroup () %>%
mutate (
pct_eav_current = group_taxbase / muni_taxbase,
pct_taxburden_current = group_taxes_current / muni_levy,
hyp_pct_taxburden = hyp_group_taxes / muni_levy) |>
mutate (
burden_shift = (pct_taxburden_current - hyp_pct_taxburden)* 100 )
burden_shift <- ptax_pins %>%
filter (class_1dig != 0 ) |>
mutate (Group = case_when (
class_1dig == 2 ~ "Single-family" ,
class_1dig == 3 | class_1dig == 9 ~ "Multi-family" ,
TRUE ~ "Commercial & Industrial"
)) %>%
left_join (taxcode_taxrates, by = "tax_code" ) |>
group_by (clean_name) %>%
mutate (muni_levy = sum (final_tax_to_dist, na.rm= TRUE )) %>%
ungroup () %>%
group_by (clean_name, Group, muni_levy) |>
## calculate taxbase from each major class
## and the amount of taxes currently collected from each
summarize (group_taxbase= sum (taxed_eav, na.rm = T),
group_taxes_current = sum (taxed_eav * (cur_comp_TC_rate/ 100 ), na.rm = T),
hyp_group_taxbase = sum (taxed_eav + all_exemptions, na.rm = T),
hyp_group_taxes = sum ( (taxed_eav + all_exemptions) * (new_comp_TC_rate/ 100 ), na.rm = T)) %>%
mutate (across (c (group_taxbase: hyp_group_taxes), round, 0 )) %>%
ungroup () |>
# group_by(clean_name) |>
# mutate(
# muni_taxbase = sum(group_taxbase, na.rm=T),
# muni_levy = sum(group_taxes_current, na.rm = T)
# ) %>%
# ungroup() %>%
mutate (
# pct_eav_current = group_taxbase / muni_taxbase,
pct_taxburden_current = group_taxes_current / muni_levy,
hyp_pct_taxburden = hyp_group_taxes / muni_levy) |>
mutate (
burden_shift = (pct_taxburden_current - hyp_pct_taxburden))
#| label: tbl-currenttaxburden
#| tbl-cap: "Current tax burden (levy paid by group / total levy billed by municipality)"
## Current tax burden
burden_shift %>%
select (clean_name, Group, pct_taxburden_current) %>%
pivot_wider (id_cols = clean_name, names_from = Group, values_from = pct_taxburden_current) %>%
arrange ((` Single-family ` ))
> Something is wrong with burden shift calculation
#| label: tbl-burden_change
#| tbl-cap: "Change in tax burden, measured in percentage point change."
burden_shift %>%
select (clean_name, Group, burden_shift) %>%
pivot_wider (id_cols= clean_name, names_from = Group, values_from = burden_shift) %>%
arrange ((` Single-family ` ))
#| code-fold: true
#| eval: false
datatable (burden_c2, rownames = FALSE ,
colnames = c ('Municipality' = 'clean_name' ,
'Burden Shift, Pct Pt Change' = 'burden_shift' ,
"C2 EAV/Muni EAV" = 'pct_eav' ,
'Current Tax Burden \n C2 Tax Collected / Muni Levy' = 'pct_taxburden_current' ,
"Hypothetical Tax Burden \n Hyp. C2 Tax Collected / Muni Levy" = 'hyp_pct_taxburden' ),
caption = "Table 2: Current Share of Taxable EAV and Share of Levy Paid by Class 2 Properties"
) %>%
formatPercentage (c (2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ), digits = 2 ) %>%
formatRound (c (3 ), digits = 2 )
#### Figure 9 Follow up. Current Tax Burden Map
burden_c2 %>%
left_join (nicknames) %>%
mutate (agency_name = ifelse (agency_name == "TOWN CICERO" , "CITY OF CICERO" , agency_name) ) %>%
full_join (muni_shp, by = c ("agency_name" = "AGENCY_DESC" )) %>%
ggplot (aes (fill = pct_taxburden_current)) +
geom_sf (aes (geometry = geometry), color = "black" ) +
theme_void () +
theme (axis.ticks = element_blank (), axis.text = element_blank ())+
# scale_fill_gradientn(
scale_fill_stepsn (colors = c ("#ffffcc" ,"#a1dab4" ,"#41b6c4" ,"#2c7fb8" , "#253494" ),
show.limits= TRUE ,
limits = c (0 ,1 ),
na.value = "gray70" ,
n.breaks = 6 ,
name = "Burden with \n Exemptions" ,
labels = scales:: percent
labs (title = "Current share of property tax burden" ,
subtitle = "for Class = 2 Property Types" )
### Table 3.
Difference in taxbills for those that do and do not claim homeowner exemption
<!---Used Cholton Taxbills file originally when making this. use ptax_pins, filter out munis we want that are major class 2, with assessed values of $15K ---->
ptax_pins <- ptax_pins %>%
left_join (taxcode_taxrates, by = "tax_code" ) |>
mutate (
bill_current = (final_tax_to_dist + final_tax_to_tif),
bill_noGHE = new_comp_TC_rate/ 100 * (equalized_av- all_exemptions+ exe_homeowner),
bill_noexemps = new_comp_TC_rate/ 100 * (equalized_av),
bill_change = bill_noGHE - bill_current)
C2_munistats <- ptax_pins %>%
filter (class > 199 & class < 300 ) %>%
group_by (clean_name) %>%
arrange (av) %>%
summarize (
median_eav = round (median (eav)),
median_av = round (median (av)),
avg_av = round (mean (av)),
avg_eav = round (mean (eav)),
C2_pins_in_muni = n (),
C2_current_exemptions = sum (all_exemptions, na.rm = TRUE ),
C2_HO_exemps = sum (exe_homeowner, na.rm = TRUE ),
## removes properties that have more than one exemption type
C2_munistats_filtered <- ptax_pins %>%
filter (class > 199 & class < 300 ) %>%
filter (exe_senior == 0 &
exe_freeze == 0 &
exe_longtime_homeowner == 0 &
exe_disabled == 0 &
exe_vet_returning == 0 &
exe_vet_dis_lt50 == 0 &
exe_vet_dis_50_69 == 0 &
exe_vet_dis_ge70 == 0 &
exe_abate == 0 ) %>%
group_by (clean_name) %>%
arrange (av) %>%
summarize (
median_eav = round (median (eav, na.rm= TRUE )),
median_av = round (median (av, na.rm= TRUE )),
avg_av = round (mean (av, na.rm= TRUE )),
avg_eav = round (mean (eav, na.rm= TRUE )),
C2_pins_in_muni = n (),
C2_current_exemptions = sum (all_exemptions, na.rm = TRUE ),
C2_HO_exemps = sum (exe_homeowner, na.rm = TRUE ),
## Grouped by if they have a $0 tax bill and had the GHE per muni
## Recalculating for Josh & Rachael
muni_median_summarytable <- ptax_pins %>%
filter (class > 199 & class < 300 ) %>%
# merge in muni residential median AV
left_join (C2_munistats_filtered) %>%
# +/- 500 from municpalities median residential AV
filter (av < median_av+ 200 & av > median_av-200 ) %>%
# Removes properties that received other types of exemptions
filter (exe_senior == 0 &
exe_freeze == 0 &
exe_longtime_homeowner == 0 &
exe_disabled == 0 &
exe_vet_returning == 0 &
exe_vet_dis_lt50 == 0 &
exe_vet_dis_50_69 == 0 &
exe_vet_dis_ge70 == 0 &
exe_abate == 0 ) %>%
arrange (av) %>%
mutate (bill_current = (final_tax_to_dist + final_tax_to_tif),
bill_noexemps = new_comp_TC_rate/ 100 * (equalized_av- all_exemptions+ exe_homeowner),
bill_change = bill_noexemps - bill_current) %>%
group_by (clean_name, # zero_bill,
has_HO_exemp) %>%
summarize (AV = median (median_av), # median_av was calculated earlier: C2 median AV for the muni
` Taxable EAV ` = round (median (eav)),
bill_cur = round (median (bill_current)),
bill_new = round (median (bill_noexemps)),
bill_change = round (median (bill_change)),
pincount= n (),
perceived_savings = round (median (tax_amt_exe))) %>%
# merge in clean_names variable
left_join (nicknames) %>%
select (clean_name, has_HO_exemp, bill_cur, bill_new, bill_change, perceived_savings, AV, ` Taxable EAV ` , everything ()) %>%
select (- c (agency_number, agency_name))
muni_taxrates <- ptax_pins %>%
group_by (clean_name) %>%
arrange (av) %>%
summarize (
muni_median_av = round (median (av, na.rm= TRUE )),
muni_median_eav = round (median (eav, na.rm= TRUE )),
muni_mean_av = round (mean (av, na.rm= TRUE )),
muni_mean_eav = round (mean (eav, na.rm= TRUE )),
av = sum (av, na.rm = TRUE ),
eav = sum (eav, na.rm = TRUE ),
equalized_AV = sum (equalized_av, na.rm = TRUE ),
pins_in_muni = n (),
current_exemptions = sum (all_exemptions, na.rm = TRUE ),
HO_exemps = sum (exe_homeowner, na.rm = TRUE ),
tax_code_rate = mean (tax_code_rate, na.rm = TRUE ), # Changed from first() to mean() on Nov 1
final_tax_to_dist = sum (final_tax_to_dist, na.rm = TRUE ), # used as LEVY amount!!
final_tax_to_tif = sum (final_tax_to_tif, na.rm = TRUE ),
tax_amt_exe = sum (tax_amt_exe, na.rm = TRUE ),
tax_amt_pre_exe = sum (tax_amt_pre_exe, na.rm = TRUE ),
tax_amt_post_exe = sum (tax_amt_post_exe, na.rm = TRUE ),
rpm_tif_to_cps = sum (rpm_tif_to_cps, na.rm = TRUE ), # not used
rpm_tif_to_rpm = sum (rpm_tif_to_rpm, na.rm= TRUE ), # not used
rpm_tif_to_dist = sum (rpm_tif_to_dist, na.rm= TRUE ), # not used
tif_share = mean (tif_share, na.rm= TRUE ), # not used
) %>%
mutate (total_bill_current = final_tax_to_dist + final_tax_to_tif) %>%
rename (cur_comp_TC_rate = tax_code_rate) %>%
mutate (current_taxable_eav = final_tax_to_dist/ (cur_comp_TC_rate/ 100 ),
new_taxable_eav = final_tax_to_dist/ (cur_comp_TC_rate/ 100 ) + HO_exemps) %>%
mutate (new_comp_TC_rate = (final_tax_to_dist / new_taxable_eav)* 100 ) %>%
mutate (new_comp_TC_rate = ifelse (is.nan (new_comp_TC_rate), cur_comp_TC_rate, new_comp_TC_rate)) %>%
left_join (C2_munistats) %>%
left_join (nicknames) %>%
mutate (rate_change = cur_comp_TC_rate - new_comp_TC_rate,
nobillchange_propertyEAV = round (10000 * ((cur_comp_TC_rate/ 100 ) / (rate_change/ 100 ))),
nochange_av = round (nobillchange_propertyEAV / eq_factor),
nochange_ratio = nochange_av / median_av) %>%
select (clean_name, C2median_av = median_av, muni_median_av, C2mean_av = avg_av, muni_mean_av, cur_comp_TC_rate, new_comp_TC_rate, current_taxable_eav, new_taxable_eav, everything ())
muni_taxrates %>% left_join (nicknames) %>% select (clean_name, muni_median_av, C2median_av, nochange_av )
muni_median_summarytable %>%
left_join (muni_taxrates) %>%
ungroup () %>%
select (clean_name, has_HO_exemp, bill_cur, bill_new, bill_change, perceived_savings, AV, ` Taxable EAV ` , nochange_av, nochange_ratio) #%>%
ptax_pins |>
filter (clean_name %in% c ("Chicago" , "Dolton" , "Glencoe" )) |>
filter (between (av, 14500 , 15000 )) %>%
filter (class_1dig == 2 ) |>
filter (exe_senior == 0 & exe_freeze == 0 ) |>
group_by (clean_name, has_HO_exemp) %>%
arrange (av) %>%
summarize (
median_bill = median (total_billed, na.rm= TRUE ),
median_AV = median (av, na.rm= TRUE ),
eav = median (eav, na.rm= TRUE ),
# class = median(class),
type = "Current Exemptions" ,
N = n ())
### Table 4.
Municipalities with the largest and smallest reductions in tax base (as a share of residential EAV due to exemptions) and median property values
### Figure 10. Tax Burden Shift from Current GHE
Share of municipal property tax levy paid by Class 2 properties with and without homestead exemptions, tax year 2021
#| label: fig-dotplotburdenshift
# as a dot graph ##
order <- mc_burden |>
filter (class_1dig == 2 ) |>
select (clean_name, pct_taxburden_current, burden_shift)
slice <- mc_burden |>
filter (class_1dig == 2 ) |>
select (clean_name, pct_taxburden_current, burden_shift) %>%
arrange (pct_taxburden_current) %>%
slice (1 : 5 , 63 : 67 , 127 : 131 )
median_burden <- median (order$ pct_taxburden_current)
median_shift <- median (order$ burden_shift)
# median burden change is 5.9 percentage points
# current median burden is 70.3% of the levy
mc_burden %>%
filter (clean_name %in% slice$ clean_name) %>%
#filter(!clean_name %in% cross_county_lines$clean_name)%>%
filter (class_1dig == 2 ) |>
# filter(burden_current > 0.938 |burden_current < .17 |
# ( (burden_current < median(burden_current) + 0.01 )& (burden_current > median(burden_current) - 0.01)) )%>%
ungroup () %>%
select (clean_name, pct_taxburden_current, hyp_pct_taxburden, burden_shift) %>%
arrange (burden_shift) %>%
# mutate( burden_noexemps = ifelse(burden_noexemps > 1, 1, burden_noexemps)) %>%
pivot_longer (c ("pct_taxburden_current" , "hyp_pct_taxburden" ),
names_to = "type" , values_to = "pct_burden" ) %>%
inner_join (order) %>%
ggplot (aes (x = pct_burden* 100 ,
y= reorder (clean_name, - pct_taxburden_current)))+
# y= reorder(clean_name, burden_current)))+
geom_vline (xintercept = 70.2 , linetype = 3 )+
geom_line (aes (group = clean_name))+
geom_hline (yintercept = 5.5 , linetype = 2 )+
geom_hline (yintercept = 10.5 , linetype = 2 )+
geom_point (aes (color= type), size= 3 )+
theme_minimal () +
theme (#legend.position = "none",
legend.title = element_blank (),
plot.title.position = "plot" ,
# panel.background = element_rect(fill='transparent'), #transparent panel bg
plot.background = element_rect (fill= 'transparent' , color= NA ) #transparent plot bg
scale_color_brewer (palette= "Paired" , labels = c ("Current Burden" , "Burden if \n No Exemptions" ), direction = 1 )+
labs (title = "Change in Class 2 Residential Tax Burden" ,
subtitle = "Ordered by Current Tax Burden" ,
x = "Share of Levy (%)" , y = "" ,
caption = "Dotted line represents median Class 2 burden (65.5% of the levy). Residential Tax Burden is the
share of the property tax collected that was paid for by property owners with Class 2 properties." ) +
geom_label (label = "Class 2 pays small share of \n levy; very little residential" , x= 32 , y = 13 , label.size = 1 , size = 3 )+
geom_label (label = "Class 2 pays median share of \n levy (70.3%), mix of land use" , x= 42 , y = 7.5 , label.size = 1 , size = 3 ) +
geom_label (label = "Class 2 pays nearly all of levy, \n highly residential" , x= 70 , y = 3 , label.size = 1 ,size = 3 )
### Figure 11. Zero Dollar Bills
muni_mc_sums %>%
filter (major_class_code == 2 ) %>%
group_by (year) %>%
summarize (zerodollar_count = sum (zero_bill)) %>%
ggplot (aes (x= year, y = zerodollar_count)) +
geom_bar (position = "stack" , stat = "identity" ) + theme_minimal ()
smallbills <- ptax_pins |>
filter (class_1dig == 2 & eav < 150 ) |>
select (clean_name, class, eav, equalized_av, av, fmv, total_billed,
final_tax_to_dist, pin, everything ()) |>
arrange (total_billed) %>% arrange (desc (total_billed)) %>%
filter (total_billed > 0 )
smallbills |>
summarize (n = n (),
exe_freeze = sum (exe_freeze, na.rm= T),
exe_senior = sum (exe_senior, na.rm= T),
exe_homeowner = sum (exe_homeowner, na.rm= T))
smallbills |>
group_by (clean_name) %>%
summarize (n = n (),
exe_freeze = sum (exe_freeze, na.rm= T),
exe_senior = sum (exe_senior, na.rm= T),
exe_homeowner = sum (exe_homeowner, na.rm= T))
smallbills |>
select (clean_name, class, eav, equalized_av, av, fmv,
total_billed, final_tax_to_dist, pin)
zerobills <- ptax_pins |>
filter (class_1dig == 2 & eav > 0 & total_billed == 0 ) |>
select (clean_name, class, eav, equalized_av, av, fmv, total_billed, final_tax_to_dist, pin, exe_homeowner, exe_senior, exe_freeze, everything ()) %>%
arrange (desc (exe_freeze))
options (scipen = 999 )
zerobills %>%
reframe (n = n (), total_eav = sum (taxed_eav + exempt_eav, na.rm= TRUE ),
exe_homeowner = sum (exe_homeowner), exe_senior = sum (exe_senior),
exe_freeze = sum (exe_freeze), taxed_eav = sum (taxed_eav, na.rm= TRUE ),
.by = clean_name) |>
arrange (desc (exe_freeze))
zerobills %>%
summarize (n = n (), total_eav = sum (taxed_eav + exempt_eav, na.rm= TRUE ),
exe_homeowner = sum (exe_homeowner), exe_senior = sum (exe_senior),
exe_freeze = sum (exe_freeze), taxed_eav = sum (taxed_eav, na.rm= TRUE )) |>
arrange (desc (exe_freeze))
zerobills %>%
group_by (Triad) %>%
summarize (n = n (), total_eav = sum (taxed_eav + exempt_eav, na.rm= TRUE ),
exe_homeowner = sum (exe_homeowner), exe_senior = sum (exe_senior),
exe_freeze = sum (exe_freeze), taxed_eav = sum (taxed_eav, na.rm= TRUE )) |>
arrange (desc (exe_freeze))
ptax_pins |>
filter (class_1dig == 2 & eav > 0 & total_billed == 0 ) |>
select (clean_name, class, eav, equalized_av, av, fmv, total_billed, final_tax_to_dist, pin, exe_homeowner, exe_senior, exe_freeze) %>%
arrange (desc (exe_freeze)) %>%
summarize (max = max (eav),
min = min (eav),
median = median (eav),
n = n ())